Hello! I’m Jana

your first-class tour guide + BLOGGER, PHOTOGRAPHER, VEGETARIAN

Welcome to Destinations Away, the go-to guide for the adventurous and the curious.

Ive always loved to travel, and in between a 9-5 job i managed to take a lot of trips, meet some unforgettable people, eat delicious authentic meals, and fall in love.

Not with a person but with the thrill of discovery, the magic of different cultures, and the sheer beauty of this big, wide world.

1… 2… 3… countries visited and counting, baby! And I’m not done yet. Not by a long shot.

So, what can you expect from Testinations Away? Tips, tricks, and all the juicy deets for your next adventure. No fluff, no BS, just real talk from a real person who’s been there, done that, and got the souvenir t-shirt to prove it. You want to know the best street food in Bangkok? I got you. Looking for the most romantic spot in Paris that isn’t the Eiffel Tower? You bet I have that too.

But this isn’t just about me, it’s about YOU. Because if I’ve learned anything from my travels, it’s that the journey is better when shared. So, let’s share, shall we? Let’s share stories, share laughs, share #champagneproblems, and most of all, share in the joy of discovery.

So buckle up, friends, because we’re about to take off. Next stop: wherever your heart desires. You ready? Because I sure am. Let’s do this, world travelers!

So that’s me, Jana, in a nutshell…or should I say, in a suitcase? 🧳😉 Ready to join me on this wild ride? Let’s do this! After all, aren’t all the best things in life just a Testination Away?

“Real cooking is more about following your heart than following recipes.”